Nano Zone

Nanofabrication services, prototyping applications and customising nanotools using FIB.

nanofabrication services created UoB logo

University of Bath Nano-Imprint master machined into a Gold substrate.

Direct Ion Beam Nanofabrication services

Ion Beams lend themselves immediately to nano-machining applications. The ability to directly inspect or prepare high resolution TEM sections for analysing nano-structures is already a well know capability of FIB and FIB-SEM instruments.

Beyond this the ability to deposit electrical connections to any tiny structure from piezo probes to carbon nano-tubes, or trim nano-structures to optimise their novel behaviours can be achieved in very short time lines. From nano-imprint masters for holography to nano-pore machining for DNA molecule filtering, our FIB nanofabrication service is an essential tool for the nano-researcher.


The Clifton Suspension Bridge machined by FIB into a Gold bondwire just 13 microns in diameter – 1/6th as thick as a human hair.


Enabling toolsets for advanced MEMS development

Probes and tips for AFM, SPM, micro-indenters, electrical probing, SNOM and nano-manipulation may be customised using FIB in just a few minutes. FIB can quickly customise the profile of AFM tips from a wide variety of materials – from Silicon to Diamond, with novel forms such as hammer heads or super-sharp tips which can be used to support specific project requirements.

Form and function and even the chemical coating of many probe variants may be customised to compliment your process. Serving the European market since 1994, the engineers at NanoScope offer extensive experience both with existing MEMS applications, and rapid new process development using our nanofabrication services.

nanofabrication services nanotubes

A multi-walled carbon nano-tube with an Ion Beam deposited 4 point probe measurement electrode added.

Or if you want to image the surface instead of modify it

For AFM service information

Click Here

nanofabrication services created custom tool tip

FIB machined Diamond super-tip – 20nm radius

Multiple FIB modified nano-tip images including an atom probe, a nano-indenter, a SNOM tip and a Piezoelectric tip with ion beam deposited electrical connections added.

NanoScope engineers have been applying FIB to nano-structures to enable and accelerate nano-research for over a decade, and we’re happy to provide a candid assessment of the applicability of FIB and our nanofabrication services to assist your project and to help you deliver results in a shorter time frame.

Call us for ‘off the shelf’ Nano-Surgery, when you need it.

“Having developed a good working relationship with NanoScope services. IQE have always found the service friendly, reliable, responsive and professional. The NanoScope team are always willing to work through any special customer requirements. IQE have found it extremely useful being able to call on this wealth of specialist knowledge.”

IQE Europe Ltd

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E-Newsletter Summer 2019

Here are some examples of our new services, and how they complement our existing imaging and non-destructive analysis. There is a quick guide to the specific advantages of each technique to show how your FA, NPI or development project can benefit.

New ‘best in class’ ex-situ FIBxTEM lift-out system launched

The perfect addition to any FIB or FIB-SEM laboratory, a high performance optical microscope with ultra long working distance lenses and an ‘ex-situ’ FIBxTEM section lift-out manipulator. Our new ‘best in class’ configuration maximises the benefits of the ex-situ approach across the widest range of materials systems.

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